Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Management Information Model
    1. Managed Objects
    2. References To Managed Objects
    3. Properties Of Managed Objects
    4. Methods
  3. Installation
    1. Pre-install Checklist
    2. Installation Steps
  4. Uninstallation
    1. Uninstallation Steps
  5. Getting Started
    1. Connecting Disconnecting
    2. Base APIs
    3. Creating Objects
    4. Querying Objects
    5. Modifying Objects
    6. Deleting Objects
  6. Retrieving Meta Information
  7. Backup And Import
    1. Backup Imc
    2. Import Imc


Cisco IMC Python SDK is a python module which helps automate all aspects of Cisco IMC management servers i.e. both C-Series and E-Series.

Bulk of the Cisco IMC Python SDK work on the IMC Manager’s Management Information Tree (MIT), performing create, modify or delete actions on the Managed Objects (MO) in the tree. The next chapter provides an overview of the Cisco IMC Management Information Model (MIM).

Management Information Model

All the physical and logical components that comprise Cisco IMC are represented in a hierarchical Management Information Model, referred to as the Management Information Tree (MIT). Each node in the tree represents a Managed Object (MO), uniquely identified by its Distinguished Name. (DN)

The figure below illustrates a sample (partial) MIT for Rack Unit.

Tree (topRoot)              Distinguished Name
|-sys                       sys
|-ComputeRackUnit              sys/rack-unit-1
    |-AdaptorUnit                  sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-1
        |-AdaptorCfgBackup             sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-1/export-config

Managed Objects

Managed Objects (MO) are abstractions of Cisco IMC resources, such as such as rack-mounted servers, cpu, memory and network adaptors. Managed Objects represent any physical or logical entity that is configured / managed in the Cisco IMC MIT. For example, physical entities such as rack unit, I/O cards, Processors and logical entities such as User roles are represented as Managed Objects.

Every Managed Object is uniquely identified in the tree with its Distinguished Name (Dn) and can be uniquely identified within the context of its parent with its Relative Name (Rn). The Dn identifies the place of the MO in the MIT. A Dn is a concatenation of all the relative names starting from the root to the MO itself. Essentially, Dn = [Rn]/[Rn]/[Rn]/…/[Rn].

In the example below, Dn provides a fully qualified name for adaptor-1 in the model.

< dn = “sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-1” />

The above written Dn is composed of the following Rn:

topSystem MO: rn=”  s”
computeRackUnit MO: rn=”rack-unit-<id>”
adaptorUnit MO: rn =”adaptor-<id>”

A Relative Name (Rn) may have the value of one or more of the MO’s properties embedded in it. This allows in differentiating multiple MOs of the same type within the context of the parent. Any properties that form part of the Rn as described earlier are referred to as Naming properties.

For instance, multiple blade MOs reside under a chassis MO. The adaptor MO contains the adaptor identifier as part of its Rn (adaptor-[id]), thereby uniquely identifying each adaptor MO in the context of a rack unit.

References To Managed Objects

The contents of the Managed Objects are referred to during the operation of IMC. Some of the MOs are referred to implicitly or as part of deployment of another MO.

A singleton MO type is found utmost once in the entire MIT and is typically referred to implicitly.

Non-Singleton MO type may be instantiated one or more times in the MIT. In many cases, when an MO refers to another, the reference is made by name. Depending on the type of the referenced MO, the resolution may be hierarchical.

Properties of Managed Objects

Properties of Managed Objects can be classified as Configuration or Operational.

Configuration properties may be classified as:

  • Naming properties: Form part of the Rn. Needs to be specified only during MO creation and cannot be modified later.
  • Create-Only properties: May be specified only during MO creation and cannot be modified later. If the property is not specified, a default value is assumed.
  • Read / Write properties: May be specified during MO creation and can also be modified subsequently.

Operational properties indicate the current status of the MO / system and are hence read-only.


Methods are Cisco IMC XML APIs, used to manage and monitor the system. There are methods supported for:

  • Authentication
    • AaaLogin
    • AaaRefresh
    • AaaLogout
  • Configuration
    • ConfigConfMo
  • Query
    • ConfigResolveDn
    • ConfigResolveClass
    • ConfigResolveChildren
    • ConfigResolveParent
  • Event Monitor
    • EventSubscribe


Pre-install Checklist

Ensure the following are available

python >= 2.7

Installation Steps

  • Installing the last released version of the SDK from pypi
pip install imcsdk
  • Installing the latest developer version from github
git clone
cd imcsdk
sudo make install


Uninstallation Steps

Irrespective of the method that was used to install the SDK, it can be uninstalled using the below command,

pip uninstall imcsdk

Getting Started

Connecting Disconnecting

from imcsdk.imchandle import ImcHandle

# Create a connection handle
handle = ImcHandle("", "admin", "password")

# Login to the server

# Logout from the server

Refer ImcHandle API Reference for detailed parameter sets to ImcHandle

Base APIs

The SDK provides APIs to enable CRUD operations.

  • Create an object - add_mo
  • Retrieve an object - query_dn,query_classid
  • Update an object - set_mo
  • Delete an object - delete_mo

All these methods are invoked on a ImcHandle instance. We refer it by handle in all the examples here-after. Refer to the Connecting Disconnecting to create a new handle.

Creating Objects

Creating managed objects is done via add_mo API.


The below example creates a new Service Profile(LsServer) Object under the parent org-root

from imcsdk.mometa.adaptor.AdaptorEthISCSIProfile import AdaptorEthISCSIProfile

adapter_profile = AdaptorEthISCSIProfile(parent_mo_or_dn="sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-2/host-eth-eth1",

Add Mo API reference

Querying Objects

  • Querying Objects via Distinguished Name (DN)

    object = handle.query_dn("sys/rack-unit-1")
  • Querying Objects via class Id

    The below returns all objects of type computeRackUnit

    object_array = handle.query_classid("computeRackUnit")

Query DN API reference

Query Class Id API reference

Modifying Objects

set_mo is used for updating an existing object

# Query for an existing Mo
adapter_profile = handle.query_dn("sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-2/host-eth-eth1/ethiscsi")

# Update description of the service profile
adapter_profile.initiator_gateway = ""

# Add it to the on-going transaction

Set Mo API reference

Deleting Objects

remove_mo is used for removing an object

# Query for an existing Mo
adapter_profile = handle.query_dn("sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-2/host-eth-eth1/ethiscsi")

# Remove the object

Remove Mo API reference

Retrieving Meta Information

get_meta_info is useful for getting information about a Managed object.

from imcsdk.imccoreutils import get_meta_info

class_meta = get_meta_info("faultInst")
print class_meta

The below sample output starts with a tree view of where faultInst fits, its parents and childrens, followed by MO information. It then shows information about properties of the MO.

  • Mo Property information:
    • xml_attribute - the name of the property as expected by the server.
    • field_type - type of the field
    • min_version - Imc server release in which the property was first introduced
    • access - defines if a property is interal/user-readable/user-writable
    • property restrictions:
      • min_length - minimum length for string property type
      • max_length - maximum length for string property type
      • pattern - allowed patterns, regexs
      • value_set - set of allowed values for this property
      • range_val - range for int/uint values

sample output: (truncated)


ClassId                         FaultInst
-------                         ---------
xml_attribute                   :faultInst
rn                              :fault-[code]
min_version                     :1.5(1f)
access                          :OutputOnly
access_privilege                :['admin', 'read-only', 'user']
parents                         :[u'adaptorUnit', u'computeBoard', u'computeRackUnit', u'equipmentFan', u'equipmentPsu', u'memoryArray', u'memoryUnit', u'pciEquipSlot', u'powerBudget', u'processorUnit', u'storageController', u'storageFlexFlashController', u'storageFlexFlashPhysicalDrive', u'storageFlexFlashVirtualDrive', u'storageLocalDisk', u'storageRaidBattery', u'storageVirtualDrive', u'sysdebugMEpLog']
children                        :[]

Property                        ack
--------                        ---
xml_attribute                   :ack
field_type                      :string
min_version                     :1.5(1f)
access                          :READ_ONLY
min_length                      :None
max_length                      :None
pattern                         :None
value_set                       :['false', 'no', 'true', 'yes']
range_val                       :[]

Property                        affected_dn
--------                        -----------
xml_attribute                   :affectedDN
field_type                      :string
min_version                     :1.5(1f)
access                          :READ_ONLY
min_length                      :0
max_length                      :255
pattern                         :None
value_set                       :[]
range_val                       :[]

Backup And Import

Backup Imc

backup_imc is used to take backup of a Imc server

from imcsdk.utils.imcbackup import backup_imc

backup_file = “/home/user/backup/config_backup.xml”

           protocol="ftp", username="user", password="pass",
           remote_host="", passphrase="xxxxxx")

Backup Imc API Reference

Import Imc

import_imc_backup is used to import an existing backup to a Imc server

from imcsdk.utils.imcbackup import import_imc_backup

import_file = “/home/user/backup/config_backup.xml”


Import Imc API Reference